
Ledelle Moe
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Audio Transcript
South African artist Ledelle Moe’s *Untitled* sits along the trail deep in the woods, a boulder-like form of a human figure curled into a ball. The sculpture resembles natural outcroppings of rock formations and provokes questions about history, monumentality, permanence, and fragility. Moe finds this a remarkable setting for *Untitled*, enclosed upon itself as it is in relation to the breathing space within the trees. “The area is very ephemeral,” she says, “which emphasizes the boulderlike quality of the piece and how stationary it is relative to [the site’s] moving qualities” — the dappled shade, fleeting sunlight, shifting leaves, and grasses. One has the sense of coming upon *Untitled* unaware, perhaps intruding on a moment of rest in the dappled shade, stumbling upon this cocoon of introspection.
Ledelle Moe, *Untitled*, 2007, concrete and steel, H. 72 × W. 108 × D. 96 in., Courtesy of Ledelle Moe



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